2022 Home Organization Trends
Looking for some home organizing inspiration to upgrade your space? Wondering what areas are best to tackle and what will help you feel most accomplished? From organizing small spaces, to creating multipurpose rooms, professional organization can transform any home.
Here are some recent home organizing trends we have been helping busy families with.
Learning Less Is More
This year, look out for minimalistic spaces with breathing room.
Nothing helps keep an organized and clutter free home like having less stuff!
Lately we have been helping so many families declutter and binge excess items within their homes. An easily organized space is not filled to the brim - allow your items to breath and avoid filling each closet or cabinet above 75%.
Notice the simplicity in the nursery closet above. Less items makes getting dressed a breeze and easily accessible bins for travel and sentimental storage are a necessity for this family.
Need some help in this area? Fill a large bin with items you may not need but aren’t ready to part with. Store the bin in your garage and check in on it in six months. If you haven’t used or missed the items, it’s most likely they are good to go!
Blending Fashion and Function
Do you know the key to loving and using organization within your home? Blend it into your home decor seamlessly so storage space is easy to access - making getting items out and returning them to their place a breeze.
Home organization products are now offered in tons of styles, ranging from modern, to traditional, to farmhouse and bohemian. Find organizational products that blend into your home decor style and create unity within your home by using the same product, texture, or pattern throughout.
Pro Tip: Avoid purchasing baskets and bins at random stores - the best way to choose matching, stylish product is by shopping at stores you know will always carry what you are looking for! Our favorites are The Container Store and Amazon. Shop more of our favorite products here.
Need help deciding which home organizing products will match your style? Click below to see my top recommendations.
Creating Multipurpose Spaces
Gone are the days of home libraries, TV rooms, and formal dining rooms. With so much time spent at home over the last few years, along with modern design and open layouts, multipurpose spaces are the new go-to. It’s now more important than ever to create spaces that allow families to come together for work and play!
In our recent home organizations projects, we have been combining gyms and garages, playrooms and living rooms, and kitchens with arts and crafts areas.
The key to keeping these multipurpose spaces organized? Create contained spaces with clear, labeled bins (clear bins come in a variety of sizes and make it easy to see what’s inside.)
Get creative when thinking of ways to combine living areas within your home and remember - it’s all about what works for you and your family!
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